Natural Portraits
Sisters plotting! Haverthwaite 2019
Nikon D850, Zeiss Biotar (aluminium) Pre-set Coated. 1952-1954 58mm f2.8 (Yep! That's 1954!)

Ilia, Feb 2022. : 'Just run through some of those facials . . . . .'
Nikon D850, Minolta 100mm Rokkor 1970

Ilia, Hereford Town Hall atrium 9th Oct 23
Miranda, 105mm, natural light. Pan F in ID11

Hereford Town Hall Atrium - location and a glass of the |Mayor's fizz, free, wardrobe £270! Ilia. 9th Oct 23
Nikon D850 60mm. Natural light.

Local child sweeping alley to cathedral, Gerona Spain. July/August 1968
(He was actually posing for unsuspecting tourists upon whom grandad, with outstretched palm, would pounce; the guy appears complete in quasi peasant-garb in one of the shots! 50 yrs later I took the same shot; a very different Spain, although here in August 2018 - sauf l'infant - virtually nothing else had changed!)
Praktica lV, Ludwig 50mm f2.9, K2, FP4. Digitized from mono sepia print.

My Aunt Beatie - swimming lifeguard, land-lady, free spirit. Probably dining room, 134, Zetland St., Southport 1963
Halina 35X, 45mm fixed triplet, FP3 and a lot of fingerprints! Audrey Hepburn had a 60s coat with similar buttons.

Ilia working out, Knighton, 8th Oct 2023
Minolta SRT , Rokkor 100mm. On film: PanF in Ilfosol

Sam: 1990; coach: 1950s. Winchcombe 2019
Leica llla (1936 - yep, older than me!), Summar 50mm f2 Lens (1935), K2 Filter (1965). On Film: FP4 in Ilfosol (2019)
Paris Metro. Orange dresses, peach and metro posters just lucky coincidences. 2015
Nikon D700, 60mm and the usual dial in corrections!

Chloe, B G P - what? before goose-bumps (from the wind machine!)

Rebecca, 1940s day!
Leidolf Lordomat ll (1954/6), Enna-Lordonar 50mm lens, K2, On film: Ilford FP4
I since found on-line the superior and four times the price 50mm 'Lordon' - and say 'ouch!' every time I handle it! Nice if you can find one - they're often sold with a so-so camera to help the sale - of the camera! Although these lenses can only be used on a Leifolf camera (without complicated and unavailable converter) they command a surprisingly high price.

Emma, 4yrs, determined: elbows in, both eyes open - she'll be a pro one day! 1988
1962 Rolleicord Vb TLR, with Schneider Kreuznach Xenar 75mm f3.5 lens. On film: FP4. Centre 6x6 frame.
Athens, Plaka. 2015

1, Seine Quai de Montebello 2, le Peitit Pont 3, Av. Charles Floquet

Sisters plotting! Haverthwaite 2019
Nikon D850, Zeiss Biotar (aluminium) Pre-set Coated. 1952-1954 58mm f2.8 (Yep! That's a 1954 lens!)
Chloe: not often pensive. Between sessions Henfield Studio.

Sometimes they start without me!